Sunday, October 05, 2008

[Max Linder filmt 1922 in Wien am Rosenhügel]

AT 1923/24. DVD, 45” (transferred at 18 fps); source: Österreichisches Filmmuseum, no intertitles. Grand piano: [Gabriel Thibaudeau?]. Viewed at Le Giornate del Cinema Muto, Pordenone, Cinema Verdi, 5 October, 2008. - David Robinson: "This brief fragment comes from a documentary compilation, Buntes Allerlei, now surviving only in 16mm, and shows Linder in conference on the set of his last completed film Der Zirkuskönig (Le Roi du cirque; 1924), at Vita-Film’s Rosenhügel studios in the suburbs of Vienna. Co-directed by Linder and Édouard-Emile Violet for the Austrian company Vita-Film, the film gave Linder as partner the Hungarian actress Vilma Bánky, who was to become Valentino’s leading lady the following year. The sequence in the compilation is titled “Max Linder filmt 1922 in Wien am Rosenhügel”. The date is clearly an error; it would be 1923/24." – David Robinson

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