Thursday, November 17, 2011

Nachrichten aus der ideologischen Antike: Marx - Eisenstein - Das Kapital / [News Dispatches from an Ideological Antiquity: Marx - Eisenstein - Das Kapital]

DE 2008. D: Alexander Kluge. Original format: dvd. 3-dvd. Duration with extras: 570 min. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp Verlag (Filmedition Suhrkamp), 2008.

The linear duration is 189 + 120 + 183 = 492 min = 8 h 12 min

A grand, playful dvd essay by Alexander Kluge, updating a critique of Marxist ideology in multiple ways, including interviews, readings, montages, lettering, documentary inserts, enactments, songs, collages, and animation.

Dvd I: Marx und Eisenstein im gleichen Haus [Marx and Eisenstein in the Same House]. The visionary project of Sergei Eisenstein was to film Das Kapital after October, inspired by Ulysses by James Joyce and by the novels of John Dos Passos. Oksana Bulgakova on Eisenstein. Kluge satirizes the ossification of totalitarian state Marxism by having Stasi recruits repeating dogma. Hans Magnus Enzensberger discusses the casting flaws of Marxism.Werner Schroeter discusses the rebirth of Wagner's Tristan und Isolde with Linda Watson and Raimo Sirkiä from the spirit of Battleship Potyomkin. 189 min

Dvd II: Alle Dinge sind verzauberte Menschen [All Things are Enchanted People]. An essay on commodity fetishism. Includes: Tom Tykwer: Der Mensch im Ding [The Man In Things] 12 min, an experimental short film about the things around us in an urban freeze-frame setting. A visit at the official grave of Karl Marx - but there is a true grave that is hard to find. Peter Sloterdijk discusses the metamorphoses of the surplus value. "Only a great storyteller is capable of penetrating the world of Karl Marx - the world of this greatest analyst of enchantment". Oskar Negt: what is the meaning of happy failure in a risk society? Discourses on the French revolution.120 min

Dvd III: Paradoxe der Tauschgesellschaft [Paradoxes of the Exchange Society]. An essay on  second nature. Reflections on the Dialectics of Enlightment by Horkheimer and Adorno. Oskar Negt about the humanization of machines and about how to read Das Kapital. Durs Grünbein on the Manifesto as Lucretian poetry. Karl Korsch's analysis of the impossibility of the Russian and Chinese social experiments. A socialist Robinsonade of Diana Leibowitz on Bear Island in 1942. The history of alienation. Helge Schneider's Marx-relating performance. 183 min

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